Friday, February 4, 2022

CSCN Sports Broadcast by 4th Graders!

Wow! What an impressive group of children!   With the Super Bowl coming up and the Olympics under way, as well as all of the interests they shared in their All about Me projects, these fourth graders selected the one topic they were most excited about to create a broadcast segment.

They all worked collaboratively to write scripts, bounce ideas off one  another, and brainstorm how to make their topic appeal to an audience.  

From there, they chose or created a green screen background for their broadcast, practiced their lines, and filmed each other, giving suggestions along the way. 

What did they learn? They learned to take ownership, be independent, yet collaborative; how journalists write as well as honing their craft on informational and persuasive pieces; how videography and green screen technology work; last, but not least, they learned how to help and encourage each other through the ups and downs.

This work is ALL theirs, and I couldn't be prouder.

Special thank you to Henry, whose script included animation.  
We all learned something new! " )

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