Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Fourth Grade - Incredible United States Region Projects!

The fourth graders rocked these multi-dimensional projects!

Working with their Social Studies teachers, Mrs. Kardos and Mrs. McLean, as well as in library with Mrs. Elfeky on the True Flix online region books, students gathered research on each region's natural resources, climate, history, monuments, major cities, landforms, culture, food, animals, people and any other topics of interest!

Using the share feature on Google Presentations, students worked simultaneously and collaboratively to demonstrate their knowledge.  This included planning their vision and making decisions as a team on which topics each would cover, how to display the research, formatting the slides and organizing the presentation.

Each student then chose a focus in which to write a script and use the Doink app to film a scene from their region on the green screen, reporting on their chosen area.  The students were tasked with filming each other, and then exporting their videos and inserting them into the final presentations.

The result: A class presentation on each region of the United States!

The skills these fourth graders demonstrated through this project are too numerous to list.  I am incredibly proud of their collaboration and willingness to help each other produce their best work as they held each other accountable.

Enjoy!  Each one is so unique, feel free to check out all four!

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