Tuesday, December 3, 2024
5th Grade Colony Persuasive Advertisements - A Universal Design for Learning Project!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Crazy Captions! Third Grade Writing
Due to Chromebook updates, we're a little late getting started this year - but the children came out swinging!
Putting their creative writing skills to good use, these students wrote crazy captions to go with each animal. Learning more skills in Google slides was a plus - what creative and clever children!
Click to enlarge
Saturday, June 15, 2024
3rd Grade's Got Talent!
Friday, June 14, 2024
Reading Center Video - The Lure of the Library!
Mrs. Fritz is a technology superstar! Writing a song about reading with her students and carrying it out among several grades is no small feat! Way to use video editing to make it come to life for the whole school!!!
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Mrs. Brydges's Kindergarten Play!
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Welcome to the New World Explorers!
As part of their social studies unit on explorers, fourth graders made these creative news videos! They wrote scripts with clever lines for the interviewers and the explorers. Then they learned how to film each other, and finally, came up with spectacular ideas to make their interview one of a kind! Each group also chose their background and some helped with editing! So impressed with their work from start to finish!
Writers, Actors, and Producers - Incredible!
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
3rd Grade Idioms!
Third graders have been studying idioms in technology through an introductory discussion, teacher presented slideshow, musical idiom video, and a collaborative hold the phone idiom game. In the following videos they acted out the idiom and let us know what it really means! The creativity was "off the charts!"
Monday, May 13, 2024
Our Special People! By First Grade
First graders performed in their FIRST green screen movie!! Each student shared one special person and why that person is special. They did a FANTASTIC job!!! So grateful for our special people!
Thursday, March 28, 2024
3rd Grade Continent Movies!!
Third graders took a deep dive into social studies research, learning interesting facts about the seven continents. Then they created a script, practiced their lines and filmed a movie using green screen technology! Impressive!
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Second Grade Landmark Movies!
Second grade has been busy traveling the country through our LEEF Virtual Reality goggles to learn about the U.S. landmarks! Then they researched each landmark, made creative and clever Google slideshows and from that created a script!
Friday, March 22, 2024
Osmo Time in 1st and 5th Grades!
Students discovered the world of Osmo by practicing addition and subtraction (1st) and completing coding challenges (5th) through interacting with the digital world on their iPads. Every single student was engaged for 40 minutes and not wanting to stop at the end of class. That's success!